Socials Media And CTR For SEO

Probably 50% of the sites we work with are experiencing issues with open graphic tags or simply losing them altogether. It’s a relief that Facebook has this tool that shows how a website looks shared on a platform like Facebook or that works with open graph tags like Twitter, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and others.

Site Speed ​​Counts

We can complete the whole day just by talking about the speed of the site. There are massive and vivid ideas online with a regular stream of posts or messages in different Facebook groups about the speed perceptions of the topic page. You must have seen any of these posts as well.

Speed ​​is the most important. But there’s a downside that, with high speed, you don’t collect ratings and conversions. Also, you lose them at a slow speed. Most SEO agency is working with the wrong mindset.

But our approach to working speed in a nutshell is:

It’s a stupid old concept to waste time on page speed. Many important things are also missing. Page load appears instantaneous in less than a second.

You’re focusing on rendering speed with Page speed insights that aren’t a big win in this modern setting. The site slows down if you notice that it loads slowly on a smartphone, despite all the tools you use.

You support HTTP2 on your ideal hosting, which can be tested. HTTP2 requires HTTPS to operate. You can see a speed comparison between Http2 and Http 1. Cloud CMS like Shopify or Big-commerce will provide HTTP2 support after pinning Cloudflare before your host, even if it doesn’t already contain it.

You can use Cloudflare as your DNS host. Cloudflare is one of the world’s fastest DNS hosts on the Internet. You can check DNSperf or the CDN, which has the most PoPs in the entire internet world, making it the fastest among its competitors. (DNS hosting speed is not verified by Page speed insights).

If you are using WordPress, you can use PHP7 instead of PHP5.6. PHP7 is 2-3 times faster than others, which gives your site an approximate 30% improvement in lateral speed. Even more speed boost in WooCommerce. (Page speed Insights cannot check your PHP version).

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